The following is an excerpt from Vol. 3 of the works of Thomas Brooks, a puritan pastor from the 17th century. He is developing the idea that:
those that are lowest in their own esteem are highest in God's esteem, proved... 18 properties of a humble soul.
Over the next few weeks I hope to share with you more of Thomas Brooks, but for now, enjoy pondering these 18 searching
1. A humble soul under the highest spiritual discoveries, and under the greatest outward mercies, forgets not his former sinfulness and his former outward meanness
2. He overlooks his own righteousness, and lives upon the righteousness of another, to wit, the Lord Jesus.
3. The lowest and meanest good work is not below a humble soul
4. A humble soul will submit to every truth of God, that is made known to it; even to those divine truths that are most cross to flesh and blood.
5. A humble soul lives not upon himself, nor upon his own actings, but upon the Lord Jesus and His actings.
6. He judges himself to be below the wrath and judgments of God.
7. A humble soul doth highly prize the least of Christ.
8. A humble soul can never be good enough, it can never pray enough, nor hear enough, nor mourn enough, nor believe enough, nor love enough, nor fear enough, nor joy enough, nor repent enough, nor loathe sin enough, nor be humble enough.
9. A humble soul will smite and strike from small sins as well as for great, for those the world count not sin, as well as for those that they count gross sins.
10. A humble soul will quietly bear burdens, and patiently take blows and knocks, and make no noise.
11. A humble soul will in all religious duties and services, trade with God upon the credit of Christ.
12. A humble soul endeavors more how to honor and glorify God in afflictions, than how to get out of afflictions.
13. A humble soul seeks not, it looks not, after great things.
14. A humble soul rejoices in the graces and gracious actings of others as well as in its own.
15. A humble soul will rather bear wrongs than revenge wrongs offered.
16. A humble soul, though he be of never so rare abilities, yet he will not disdain to be taught what he knows not, by the meanest persons.
17.A humble soul will bless God, and be thankful to God, as well under misery as under mercy; as well when God frowns as when he smiles; as well when God takes as when he gives; as well under crosses and losses, as under blessings and mercies.
18. A humble soul will wisely and patiently bear reproof.
...for God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble
(1 Pt 5:5)